Monday, 24 June 2013

In view of the deluge in Uttaranchal, the stir to move for Delhi for demonstration on 1st July 2013, has been postponed now, and the the members are advised donate an amount for assistance to the affected people.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


A meeting of Individual B.C. was called for and held at Pant Park Gorakhpur to discuss with the day-to-day problems arisen before b.Cs. The meeting was headed by Comrade V K Singh and addressed by Mr Akhilesh Singh, General Secretary of U.P. Circle B.C. Association. It was decided to convey the problems being faced by B.Cs. to the Higher authorities of SBI. Further, all B.Cs.all over the country have been invocated to shut down their csp on the 1st July 2013 (the State Bank Day)and to set out for Delhi to visit to the Finance Minister to express their grievances.

Monday, 12 November 2012

सेवा प्रदाताओं के लिए सूचना INFORMATION FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS

State Bank of India has planned to offer incentive to the Service Providers between September to December 2012, vide their pamphlet circulated to their branches (as published in this Blog elsewhere), but no information is given directly to them whom it relates to, i.e. to Service Providers. It is ridiculous, as to how the top executives think and plan, and how they can imagine achieving the goal, while their target is missed. Similar was the case when some months ago they launched a scheme named as ‘ Chalo Gaon Ki Or’ ‘Let us go towards village’, when the concerned Business Correspondents were not made aware of the scheme and there is solid ground, hardly to believe that the scheme was successful. Although, the senior executives viz. AGM, DGM, GM etc might have got the amount of incentive, as if the scheme was for them only and as if it was a facade merely. Top executives of State Bank of India must think over this seriously in the interest of SBI, public at large and the nation.



सेवा प्रदाताओं के लिए सूचना INFORMATION FOR SERVICE PROVIDERS

भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने सेवा प्रदाताओं के लिए (जैसा इसी ब्लाग में प्रकाशित है , सूचना के ज़रिए प्रोत्साहन की योजना बनाई है जो कि उसने अपनी शाखाओं को भेजा है । बड़ा ही हास्यास्पद है कि जो प्रोत्साहन वह जिसे देना देना चाहता है उसे इसकी सूचना ही नहीं है । भारतीय स्टेट बैंक के उच्च अधिकारियों को यह सामान्य सी बात क्यों समझ में नहीं आती । ठीक इसी तरह पिछले कुछ महीनों पहले ’चलो गाँव की ओर’ योजना आयी थी और किसी भी सेवा प्रदाता को इसकी सूचना नहीं थी, इसलिए शायद ही कोई सेवा प्रदाता इससे लाभान्वित हुआ हो अलबत्ता सहायक महाप्रबन्धक, उप महा प्रबन्धक, महाप्रबन्धक आदि उच्च अधिकारी उसमें निहित प्रोत्साहन राशि पाकर निहाल हुए होंगे । इस प्रकार सूचनाओं को सम्बन्धित तक न पहुँचा कर स्टेट बैंक अपने ही पैरों पर कुल्हाड़ी मारने का काम करता है । इस विषय में उसके शीर्ष अधिकारियों को ध्यान देना होगा । सेवा प्रदाताओं, व्यवसाय प्रतिनिधियों को इसी तरह विभिन्न दिशा निर्देशों से वंचित करके बैंक अपना, ग्राहकों का तथा देश का कल्याण करने में असफल हो रहा है ।


Thursday, 19 April 2012


It is furnished hereunder the difficulties and problems faced by the business correspondents engaged by State Bank of India, in a summarised form.

1. Cash Management

As the scheme of the Govt. is mainly to cover the rural area under financial inclusion, most of the customer service centres have been opened in remote area of the country, which are linked to a Branch ranging from 7 to 20 kms. far from C.S.Ps. The cash management on the part of the business correspondents has become difficult, specially with a view to serve the customers in time and security of cash etc. The Link Branch staff may and may not cooperate to withdraw cash from there and fetch it to C.S.P. in time.

2. Commission is on very low side

The structure of commission being paid by state bank of India is as under:-
On deposits : Nil
“ “ : Annual Average Balance : 0.5% (annual)
“ “ : 50 paise per account per month (Maintenance)
On withdrawal : 0.5% (Min. Re. 1/- Max Rs. 12/-)
(If commission is below Rs. 2000/- it will be top up to Rs.2000/- only)
It is apparent that amount of commission arrives at not exceeding to Rs. 3000 to 4000 per month approximately, while recurring expenses of B.C. is atleast Rs. . 4000/- (not included personal expenses, entertainment expenses to customers, conveyance expenses etc.). Thus in some cases business correspondents are losing from their own pocket every month, and are awaiting for enhancement in the model of commission structure.

On remittance : 2/5 : 3/5 ratio (Bank : B.C.)
On loans : 0.75% to 1% conditional (however it depends totally on link Branch whether to sanction loan or not: thus it is equal to zero for B.C.)
On Account opening : Rs. 20/- per account opened.

3. Details of commission paid not known- whether it is authentic or not

The Bank is not furnishing / delivering any report to B.C. to enable them to know as to what is amount of total business fetch by them. Thus at the time of payment of commission on average annual deposit, its correctness cannot be confirmed by B.C. Similar is the case in respect of monthly commission being paid. The list is displayed on the site of “SBI Times” which is accessible to Branch Manager only, and the chances of misappropriation/ wrong calculation / inadvertence cannot be set aside.

4. No platform for B.C. to get remedy for grievances

There is no proper platform on Bank’s side which may assist B.C. to get remedy for their problems. The Branch staff treat the B.C. as if they are their rival and snatcher of their bread. Neither they are doing their work nor allowing B.C. to work; the crowd in Bank’s regular branches are its evidence. While the maximum transaction limit of CSP in each account is subject to not exceeding Rs. 10000/-, why not bank divert their customers to CSP who remit money upto Rs. 10000/-.

5. Provision of Pass Book not made available

Only Identity Cards are provided to the customers and not pass books, which is very much essential for customer. At any point of time, customer wants to know the balance, if pass book is not with him, how he can know his balance. The printed copy of the last transaction or all previous transactions to be kept by him for ever is not feasible at all. Moreover, in the print copy of transaction, net balance does not show.
It is costlier to B.C. to provide them printout of their transaction rather than entering in his pass book. While in Bank’s regular branches, pass book are being given, why do Bank not apply the same rule to their regular branches.

6. Balance / Statement of customer’s account not available without finger impression

In lack of the above, B.Cs. as well as customers also are feeling much difficulty, because the system is under CORE BANKING, the customers’ relatives remit money from outside, and the customers want to know whether the money has been credited to their account. We only cut a sorry figure in saying that it is not possible without physical presence and giving finger print verification.

7. Erroneous entries cannot be adjusted

Often, by clerical mistake which is human, some erroneous entries take place, which we cannot reverse. The link Branch may or may not adjust it because it is under their discretion. Thus there is always a chancee for loss to B.C.

8. Security Arrangements

No security arrangements have been made available on behalf of Bank. Transactions are ranging upto 100000 to 200000 in an average per day. It is risky in regard with loss of money and life.

9. Limitations

There are many limitations which is affecting to B.C.’s business.
i) Limit of Annual income of customer : Not exceeding Rs.60000/-
ii) Limit of total deposit in an account : Not exceeding Rs.50000/-
iii) Limit of total transaction annual : 200000
iv) Limit on commission- on payments :12/- maximum( i.e. if payment is for Rs.2400/- or upto 10000/- only Rs.12/- is admissible. Why one will take interest to pay a heavy amount like Rs.10000/- at a stretch). Moreover, it is ridiculous as to a customer earning upto Rs.60000 alongwith all liabilities can save and deposit a good deal of amount, which matters to get commission to B.C. as average annual deposits.

10. Commission structure on remittances- irrational

The rate of exchange on remittances is @ Rs. 2/- per hundred, minimum Rs. 25/- Maximum Rs..100/- which is too high in comparison to the rate of regular Bank’s Branches which is Rs. 2/- per thousand; this is ten times high, and that too for the people who have been brought under financial inclusion who are poor and deprived of.
This is irrational
. This only denotes that the Bank wants to curb the business of B.Cs. and nothing else, because they seem to be competitor of regular branches.
This is a negative view adopted by Bank, rather it should be at par and the regular branches may improve their customer service and fetch their business in a healthy manner.

11. Finger Print Failure

Sometimes, the customers who are villagers and labourers want to withdraw amount from their account but do not succeed because their finger print do not resemble to the recorded one in the concerned account. The reason behind it, is, that labourers or farmers who work in their fields or work in dust, alkali, cement etc., their finger impressions are attrite and do not match, thus payment is denied / incomplete. There is no option left with us to do any good for them except for return them. This is against the Bank’s norms and mandate that a customer is denied payment without any reasonable cause.

All these matters be dealt with immediately too serve the people in remote and to give a success to the Govt. scheme.

Mob, 9838222430
Email :

Thursday, 23 June 2011



We being the speaker of the Business Correspondents engaged by State Bank of India, hereby report the grievances / hardships / hindrances faced by them in regard to conducting kiosk banking.

1.     The prospect customers coming even from rural area want to open joint account with their kith and kins while there is no provision in the present software. Resultantly, some of them are not interested to open accounts, which result a loss primarily to B.Cs. and ultimately to Bank. This provision may be made henceforth.

2.     At the time of opening account, if some erroneous feeding has been made, how it will be corrected and who will correct it. Please advise accordingly.

3.     As per Bank instructions which are prevalent at other branches of SBI, any minor aged 10 years old can open a SB A/c and operate it, but in the present Kiosk Banking system, it is not possible in case of minor less than 18 years old. Thus, many students studying in high school or intermediate colleges expecting their scholarships have been made incapable to open account in the Kiosk Banking system.

4.     Issuance of pass book has not been allowed in the present Kiosk Banking System as per RBO Officers verbal instructions. The prospect customers of villages have no faith and do not rely on the Kiosk Banking System. They raise many questions about this and logics as to why other branches of SBI are issuing pass book and here it is not so.
While in the Kiosk Banking, there is an option to choose whether, the nominee’s name will appear on the pass book or not. It reveals that there is a provision of issuing pass book to the customers. Please arrange to this facility so as we can issue pass books to them.
5.     Stationery viz. account opening forms, etc. are not being supplied by RBO sufficiently. For it, we have to make a run often to RBO causing loss of money, time and toil. The officers at RBO say that they would be able to supply the forms etc. as and when it will be made available by LHO and they also advise us to use the photocopy of account opening forms. This perchance is not as per Bank’s instant instructions and also it costs / affects our revenue.

6.     B.Cs. settlement account (current account) and Commission account (Savings Bank Account) balance enquiry may be made visible to us. Because for this purpose, we will have to go to our link branch often, this is a hindrance in our working.

7.     Balance enquiry of Kiosk Accounts and Non-kiosk accounts (without finger print) may be made available in the Kiosk Banking software, because –

a)      In case of cash deposit at Kiosk Banking Point, into   Non-kiosk accounts, no balance appears in the deposit slip generated by Kiosk and only amount deposited reflects there, while the customer wants to know / see / confirm the balance of the account in which amount has been deposited. Moreover, we are also not sure whether the amount has been deposited or not.

b)      In case of Kiosk accounts- If a person deposits any amount from other branch to kiosk accounts, and wants to confirm telephonically or inditingly, we are at loss to tell him the correct balance / position. This provision may be made for kiosk banking in the interest of public as well as us and the Bank. Otherwise, in case of the amount being astrayed, legal problems may arise in future.

8.     At-least to computers connected with each one (networking)-

The prospect customers visit to the CSP at the same time for account opening, cash deposit / withdrawal etc. In such a position, only one type of transaction i.e. either account opening or deposit / withdrawal / balance enquiry is possible, resulting a heavy crowd. This will forfeit the motive of the kiosk banking.        This can be avoided by connecting two computers working simultaneously. This provision may be made.
9.     Cash remittance in current account is not made possible in kiosk banking at present. Please get it rectified at the appropriate level.

10.                        Training/ circular instructions etc.-
Training regarding kiosk banking may be provided to the B.Cs. so that any type of errors and omissions can be avoided. The circulars instructions issued by Bank may be provided to B.Cs. directly by way of email etc. to avoid delay. However, no circular instructions are being provided to us on a regular basis. The provision thereof will ultimately be in the interest of Bank.

11.                        The Branches as well as RBO are not co-operating us to the level to which they are expected. The link branches take a lot of time e.g. 10 to 30 days to authorize opening of accounts created by the CSPs.We propose that we should be linked to such a channel who immediately take up our matters. Their names, address, phone and email address may be made available to us.

12.                        Insurance of cash holding amount and cash in-transit amount may be arranged at Bank level because the officials of companies under General Insurance Company advise us that there is no provision of insurance of cash handling conducted by individuals. This is necessary to be done by Bank and required fees for insurance may be recovered from us if applicable.


     Here we illustrate the commission admissible to B.Cs. as per extant instructions and expenses incurred by them.

A)   Monthly income / Commission admissible to B.Cs

Current instructions by SBI     Commission-        2000/- p.m.
A/c maintenance @ o.50 paisa per account

Per month supposing 2000 accounts
Maintained                                                 -        1000/- p.m.

Annual mtce. Due to limit on customers              
Account arrives at equal to                         -        nil
                                      TOTAL               =       3000/- P.M.


Room rent                                                   -        1000/- p.m.
Electricity                                                   -        1000/- p.m.
Internet Broad band BSNL rent                  -        3300/- p.m.
Stationery / printing                                    -        1000/- p.m.
Employee (Substitute min. one)                  -        3600/- p.m.
(@ Minimum MNREGA)
Sweeper part time                                      -        1500/- p.m.
Depreciation on assets **                           -        2350/- p.m.
Interest on fund / cash invested ***            -        790/- p.m.
          TOTAL                                            -        15490/- p.m.

** Furniture /counter/table etc. -       70000/-
Wiring                                     -        10000/-
Computer/printer/web cam     -        31000/-
Finger print scanner                -        2600/-
Fans 2                                      -        2000/-
Inverter / battery                      -        25000/-
                                                          1, 40,600/-
**Depreciation @ 20%                        2350/-                                                                                            ________
*** Cash deposit in C.A.         -        50,000/-
       Cash in hand                     -        50,000/-
                                                        1, 00,000/-
***Interest on above @ 9.5%            790/- p.m.

Rs. 12490/- p.m.

In the above illustration the expenses have been shown at the lowest while the remuneration of B.C. has not been taken into account. This begets a heavy loss to B.C. and resultantly they will have to shut down their outlets. Moreover, in the case of new entrants also, they will face the same financial hurdle and they also will not succeed. There is no remedy except for increasing the commission to a level taking in view the above facts so that this may get success and Bank may also earn revenue from it.

In addition, the Bank and B.Cs. have entered into an agreement in which reasonable commission bases on deposits and withdrawals was devised which was 0.5%, but later the Bank has revised the commission and capped the ceilings of balances etc. resulting the B.C.s to starve. This is felt by B.C.s as a deceit. At this stage while they have invested about 200000/- it is not possible to get rid of such activity.

The above suggestions are from the grass root level from the B.Cs and customers and are ultimately in the interest of Bank.
Hence, it may be taken up sympathetically and rationally.

With best wishes
Yours faithfully

contact us :


Name of candidate
Address of candidate
Tel./Mob. No.

Pawan Kumar Pandey
Mishraulia khurd Sohila Mankapur
LIC Agent
Ranjeet Kumar Shukla
Khajuri Tarabganj Gonda

Tulsi Ram Shukla
Ranijot Amrodhi Bag Maskanawa Mankapur
Post Graduate
BF SBI Maskanwa
Anirudh Kumar Tripathi
Maskanwa Mankapur Gonda
05265-235204 9838506225
LIC Agent


Krishna Mohan Pandey
Rehra Bazar Utraula Balrampur
High School
LIC Agent


Sanjay Kumar Mishra
Ashrafpur Mankapur Gonda
BF SBI Mankapur

Ram Karan Dwivedi
Ucchahaoli Milkipur
05270-265725 9415720084
LIC Agent
BF SBI Milkipur

Anil Kumar Gupta
Gopalpur Chaudhary Ahirauli Bhiati
SBI Life Insurance

Suman Pandey
10 Avas Vikas Colony Gonda U.P.
9839804799 9456878037
Kisan Sewa Kendra

Dinesh Kumar Singh
Indralok Shahjadpur Akbarpur
Post Graduate
05271-212803 9838222430
Retired Bank Employee

Ram Sumer Singh
Ghasiyari Tola Jalalpur Ambedkarnagar
05275263617 9336416928
Retired Bank Employee

Ashok Kumar
Parsauna Chowhan Colonelganj

Shailendra Srivastava
Bandipur Jalalpur Ambedkar Nagar
SBI Life Insurance

Girish Chandra Shukla
Bharpur Maskanwa Mankapur
05265-292109 9451026100
LIC Agent