In view of the deluge in Uttaranchal, the stir to move for Delhi for demonstration on 1st July 2013, has been postponed now, and the the members are advised donate an amount for assistance to the affected people. Thanks.
A meeting of Individual B.C. was called for and held at Pant Park Gorakhpur to discuss with the day-to-day problems arisen before b.Cs. The meeting was headed by Comrade V K Singh and addressed by Mr Akhilesh Singh, General Secretary of U.P. Circle B.C. Association. It was decided to convey the problems being faced by B.Cs. to the Higher authorities of SBI. Further, all B.Cs.all over the country have been invocated to shut down their csp on the 1st July 2013 (the State Bank Day)and to set out for Delhi to visit to the Finance Minister to express their grievances.